The COVID-19 pandemic has been disruptive to say the least. But while we have all had to work to keep ourselves entertained, connected, and engaged – this period has brought with it some opportunities to learn some things about ourselves and how we tick. We’re talking about the hobbies and pastimes that we’ve used to keep ourselves busy – and what they say about us.
Fortunately, the roadmap to the new COVID-19 normal is laid out. It looks like we’re on a steady track back toward enjoying life with our friends, families and the communities that make each day full and exciting. Let’s take a look at the different kinds of hobbyists there are, how you can tell if you fit the type, and how you can take your new interests forward as restrictions slowly ease.
The Artist
This first one is probably the easiest to spot – but you might not even realise you fit the type! You might think that it’s just a natural impulse to pick up a pen and start drawing while on a phone call or watching TV. But it does say something about the way that you see the world, and we encourage you to pursue it!
While we’re still in the process of winding down restrictions across Melbourne and the state, we encourage you to do what you can to flex that creative muscle by looking to opportunities to draw, photograph, and create. When things begin to pick up steam, you’ll find some great opportunities to take these new skills out and about!
The Experimenter
This one is hard to nail down – but those who fit this archetype will know. The experimenter might have been keeping themselves busy refining their sourdough recipe, they might have been trying to propagate their own succulents (battling the weather to make it happen).
But the core theme runs true, it’s all about exploring ‘what if’ and learning more about what makes the world around you work the way it does. We recommend leaning into whatever has caught your attention and looking to whatever resources you have at your disposal to learn more each day.
When the time comes and things are opened back up, you might even find that there are groups of people out there taking classes or meeting up to explore that area of interest. Hobby groups with an experimental bent tend to bring together a diverse and wonderful crowd!
The Project-er
If you’re someone who always needs a project (and it doesn’t really matter what) then you’re in luck! As restrictions ease, and opportunities start to open up to get involved in community projects, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find your next project to tackle!
We recommend looking for ways that you can use your energy to help others. This might involve volunteering with an organisation or donating your time to someone who could use a hand. There will be organisations of all types looking for ready and willing hands to help them get the ball rolling again after the lockdowns are over.
Get in Touch to Learn More
While we still have some ways to go, we’re confident that the COVID-19 pandemic is steadily drawing to a close. We know that we’re more than eager to start getting back to the events, outings and community lifestyle that we enjoy at Burnside Retirement Village.
To find out more about life here with us at Burnside, don’t hesitate to get in touch! You can reach out to our team by calling 1300 098 000 or filling out a contact form today.